Improve balance - prevent injuries
Does the ever endless search for your dog's perfect fitness routine seem tiresome? Are you overwhelmed by all the good meaning advise in various facebook fitness groups?
Look no more...
This 1 hour online workshop will take you through 4 easy body awereness exercises and learn you how to implement them in your daily fitness routine!
I'm running the workshop twice so you can choose which day is best for you (or you can attend both)
Option 1: Saturday 19th of november 11 a.m. EDT/8 a.m. PDT / 4 p.m. CET
Option 2: Wednesday 23th of november 1 p.m. EDT/10 a.m. PDT/ 6 p.m. CET
Can't make it to the live workshop?
1 year replay access is included in the ticket.
What is body awareness/proprioception?
How will body awareness prevent injuries?
Can better body awareness improve performance?
4 body awareness exercises and demonstration of those
How do you implement this into your training schedule?
How can different fitness gear challenge our dogs
Step by step guide to how your learn your dog the 4 exercises
3 fitness fundamental exercises
1 body awareness exercise for your daily walk
Template for your dogs weekly fitness routine
The workshop is for healthy dogs. If your dog has a diagnosis be sure to contact your rehab vet and ask if the workshop is appropriate for your dog
When signing up for the workshop you are also signing up for my newsletter. The reason for this is that it is much easier to contact you all. Feel free to unsubscribe after the workshop. Doing so before will make you miss important information. You are welcome to stay as well. I will not spam you! Newsletter is send once a month and will contain information on future workshops
If you are attending the workshop LIVE, please check in 5-10 minutes before it start. When the workshop has begun, I will not let anyone into the meeting. I chose to do so, as it caused too many disturbances with people being late.
EARLY BIRD UNTIL 7th of NOVEMBER (normal price $20)
Graduated vet school in 2018
Continuous education in chiropractic and physical therapi (CCRT)
Working in small animal practise for 3 years - now owning my own business Dogtimize
Have been teaching dog training since 2019 (agility, rally obedience and dog fitness)
In my daily workmy focus is on pain diagnostics and management with emphasis on soft tissue (muscles, ligaments and tendons) as well as orthopedic issues (bones and joints). My pain treatment is based on chiropractic and physical therapy
Proud owner of a German Shepherd mix, Chloé, and an Australian Kelpie, Case